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Thank you for being interested in participating in the 2025 Hiring Fair! This year, we have partnered with Sturgis High School to accommodate the scale of the event. Registration is $50 for Sturgis Chamber members and $75 for non-members. This provides you with a 10×10 space, 8ft table, 2 chairs, and lunch for 2 individuals. The schedule for the event will be as follows:

Tuesday, 3/11 4pm-6pm: Early set-up is allowed for those who wish to come the night before.

Wednesday 3/12 7am-9am: Day of set-up & coffee and light breakfast provided9am-12pm: Local students attend the Fair (juniors and seniors only)
12pm-1pm: Lunch is provided (extra lunches can be purchased upon registration for $10/ea)
12pm-4pm: Michigan Works! opens to the public to assist with resumes
1pm-4pm: Hiring Fair opens to the general public
4pm: Tear down and clean up

We are seeking sponsorship for this event to help cover all of the costs. Sponsorships are $500 for members and $600 for non-members and will provide you with the following:
1. Have you featured on the community flier that will be shared on our socials, website, and hung around town
2. Listed on our radio ad that will air the week before (providing you have signed up prior to the ad being created)
3. Featured on the screen inside of the Hiring Fair and outside on the video board in front of the High School
4. The opportunity to do a live interview with Mike Stiles at the Hiring Fair
5. A live business spotlight with the Chamber prior to the Hiring Fair to talk about your business and any open positions you are looking to fill.